Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thing #7

It seems to me that Cell phone, email, IM and SMS are just different ways to do the same thing, communicate and that choice depends on age and how much you like gadgets. The phone company seems to get the best deal monetarily. The library uses email constantly and it definitely allows us to keep in touch and share information. Personally I would rather talk face to face. I think you pick up a lot of information by observing people when you interact with them. Phone is my second choice and i would guess that IM and SMS will be things I use very seldom. I sit in on a monthly web conference and get frustrated by the fact you really only see what the camera sees and hear what the mike picks up. I spend two hours and reallly only know who is at the table in camera range and depending on how good the mike is, loose a fair amount of the conversation. It cuts down on travel time but I feel I would be farther ahead being in the same room.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Thing #6

This is my trading card for Thing #6. This was fun but I think I need to get some more pictures

Thing #5

This was a little weird. I played around, tracked photos of tools by searching the tag TOOLS, then I created my name using Flickr free photos. It is at the bottom of the blog page.

Thing #4

I have a picture will post it from Flickr now

Thing #3

Found out that I have been collecting things through RSS since january and have over 1300 to read through. Did add unshelved. Fun now that I understand it. need a week of vacation to catch up in my reading.